Einzelhandelsverpackungen für Obst und Gemüse
In cooperation with the Quasem Foundation
Since 1922 we are sourcing jute – one of the most sustainable packaging materials – form Bangladesh. Education is one of the pillars for the development of Bangladesh, that is why we choose to build a school that will open in 2022, our anniversary year.
In consultation with Quasem Foundation, it was decided to build the school in Kurigram. Kurigram and its surrounding areas is one of the poorest and most climate-vulnerable regions in Bangladesh. The building ground and the materials for the school has been bought. A boundary wall, a material shed and housing for construction workers has been completed.
We will be sharing more photos and video’s during the build. If you would like more information about this project, feel free to contact us.
With this initiative we contriute to UN goal 8.8: "Ensure inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for our people".
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